Its that time of year again, the temperatures are rising and insects are becoming more abundant. Among these are termites, the warm humid afternoons we have been getting in the Taree, Forster, Gloucester areas give termites an opportunity to source a new nesting site.
They do this by releasing hundreds to thousands of winged reproductive, ‘alates’, these alates (also called ‘flying ants’ or ‘storm ants’) are out hunting for new nesting sites, while most of these alates will end up as food for birds, lizards andspider they do allow you a rare opportunity to realise that termites are nesting close to your house! Termite alates can be easily distinguished from that of ants. Termite alates have what is referred to as ‘cigar’ shaped abdomen, with no obvious constriction between abdomen and thorax they have four, equal length wings and beaded, straight antenna. Ants, however, have three very distinct body segments, head, thorax and abdomen, four wings of unequal length and elbowed antenna.
With one in four houses in Australia having past or present issues with termites getting a timber pest inspection is a great place to start. The Local Pest Experts team have fully qualified Timber Pest inspectors who will take all due care and inspect your house in accordance to the Australian standards as 3660.2 so you can rest easy.
Prevention and elimination measures can also be introduced from termiticide treated zones to baiting and monitoring systems we strive to provide our customers with the best and most trusted systems on the market. This mixed with our years of local knowledge and experience will give your most expensive possession, your house, the best edge against a termite attack.

Alates in a termite monitoring station
Alates stuck to bulbar.